Passenger Instructions to Fly in Tandem Paragliding & Paramotor
Phases - Stages of Flight
1 - The Takeoff Phase
The tandem pilot-monitor meticulously prepares the glider in the take-off area. He places the chair / harness where he will be sitting and gives him instructions on how you have to do the takeoff run and get comfortable during the flight. He checks all the connections again. You stand in front, your tandem pilot-monitor is behind you. Now we wait for the right wind to start the race
The tandem pilot-monitor gives the agreed starting command (“run”): you lean forward, take a few quick steps, the glider opens, you feel a gentle pull upwards. It is not a "leap into the void"! Start running until you are in the air for a few seconds because it is important to keep running even in the air since sometimes after lifting a little off the ground you can touch again and you should be ready to keep running a little longer.
After a few seconds of flight, you should put your arms behind the straps that connect to the glider and adopt a comfortable position to sit with the help of your hands on the straps of the legs and the tandem pilot. He sits right behind you and you can talk to him as usual throughout the tandem flight. The take-off phase is summarized in 4 actions for the passenger:
1: run, 1.1: run, 1.2: run, 2: arms behind the belts, 3: adjust the seat and get comfortable, 4: extend the camera, 5 : enjoy the flight, take photos and see the landscape.
** It is very important that you listen to the pilot's instructions at all times and follow them.
How fast do I have to walk? The speed at the beginning of a tandem flight depends mainly on the force of the wind in the starting position. Your pilot is already watching the wind during preparations and tells you how fast you have to run.
Can I do something wrong? For more than 90% of our passengers, this is the first paragliding tandem flight! Some are a little concerned about whether they will get everything right from the start. Our pilots are aware of these concerns and will help you at all times.
About the beginning of the tandem flight. tandem pilots often have to smile at the astonished reaction of our passengers shortly after the glider takes off. Most passengers would not have imagined it so easy.
intruciones despegue 01
Preparación con el Piloto
Preparation with the Pilot -
intruciones despegue 02
Preparados para el Despegue
Ready for Takeoff -
intruciones despegue 03
Correr y Despegar
Run and take off -
intruciones despegue 04
!! Al Aire ... a Volar !!
!! To Air ... to Fly !!

Preparación con el Piloto
Preparation with the Pilot

Preparados para el Despegue
Ready for Takeoff

Correr y Despegar
Run and take off

!! Al Aire ... a Volar !!
!! To Air ... to Fly !!
Takeoff Video
2 - The Flight Phase
The tension from the beginning softens slightly. Enjoy the views from the paraglider which are: a majestic and impressive view!
The paraglider offers you many impressions from this unknown perspective, which catch you and make you forget everything else.
Whether it's a smooth glide or a dynamic curve flying in the phase of flight, your desire is important. While your tandem pilot controls the glider, you can steer the camera by orienting it at different angles to take good photos or videos, while you cruise in the air and have to relax observing the landscape below you.
In calm conditions, the pilot can also take the camera and take more angles of the video during the flight. This way you will have good memories of your paragliding flight for a long time.
Enjoy the moment of silence. IT'S YOUR TANDEM FLIGHT !
instruciones despegue 01
Disfrute de las vistas
Enjoy the views -
instruciones despegue 02
Hacemos fotos y vídeos
We take photos and videos -
instruciones despegue 03
Relajese y escuche el silencio
Relax and listen to the silence -
instruciones despegue 04
Sienta, viva la experiencia
Feel, live the experience

Disfrute de las vistas
Enjoy the views

Hacemos fotos y vídeos
We take photos and videos

Relajese y escuche el silencio
Relax and listen to the silence

Sienta, viva la experiencia
Feel, live the experience
3 - The Landing Phase
Before his paragliding flight ends and he sets the course for the landing site, the tandem pilot will once again explain his actions on landing. You will be asked to slide forward, sit up in his seat, and remain ready to walk-run. The glider is braked by the tandem pilot before touchdown.
Once he feels the ground under his feet, walk-run a few more feet. The glider falls to the ground behind you.
We are back on the ground!
Maybe now you think: "Can't I learn to paraglide myself?"
I would not be the first passenger to discover his passion for this sport after a tandem flight. By the way, that would be the best compliment to the tandem pilot! tandem flights are an important pedagogical tool in the training of paragliding pilots that the school has used for more than 30 years.
About landing: When flying in a tandem paraglider, the type of landing depends on the wind, such as at the time of take-off. If there is an ideal wind at the landing site, you will not have to walk - hardly run. Again, the pilot will explain everything to you before landing. He will never have a problem.
instruciones aterrizaje 01
Empieza el aterrizaje + aproximación
Landing + approach begins -
instruciones aterrizaje 03
!! Aterrizamos !!
!! We landed !! -
instruciones aterrizaje chi
!! Estamos en Tierra !!
instruciones aterrizaje 04
Relajación, te has quitado el estrés ...
Relaxation, you have removed the stress ...

Empieza el aterrizaje + aproximación
Landing + approach begins

!! Aterrizamos !!
!! We landed !!

!! Estamos en Tierra !!

Relajación, te has quitado el estrés ...
Relaxation, you have removed the stress ...